510-334-0575 apatmcguire@yahoo.com


Testimonies   Soothe Clientele (Corporate In-home Massage Agency 2016-present) What a treat! Abel was skilled at understanding the relationship between patterns of imbalance and pain and where I hold tension and used acupressure and massage to release my tight...


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Self Massage

Self Massage My Professional and Personal Story from a Self-Massage Perspective As a child, I was somewhat accident-prone. In fact, on more than one occasion, my eyes narrowly escaped serious injury and possibly life-long damage. When I consider all the pain my body...

About Abel

About Abel Abel McGuireOwner   I am a Berkeley-based Certified Massage Therapist specializing in Acute and Chronic Pain Relief. My career began in 1983, in an apprenticeship program where over 300 half-hour sessions were given during a three-month period. In 1989, I...


Restoring circulation flow into the nerve-extremities for equilibrium and optimal healing. Restoring circulation flow into the nerves’ extremities for body equilibrium and optimum healing.   Reflex Symmetry™ combines acupressure and reflexology at the...